What a week. Actually, to anyone but me I think the week has looked fairly normal. My specialist appointment was okay. My cervix still looks good and long, but I'll probably start the progesterone next appointment since everyone is highly encouraging me to. Have I mentioned I hate medicine or fake hormones?? ;-) The technician did some sort of ultrasound where they look at and measure everything on baby, the uterus, and me that they possibly can. I had no idea that they would be measuring her arm and leg bones. ?? Or her heart chambers, brain lobes, and spinal cord. I probably would have been in a better mood about the whole ordeal had I felt better. I didn't realize that a technician repeatedly rolling the ultrasound "thingy" over my hernia would cause that much pain. Little Chick's heart was right under my hernia and at a weird angle, so the technician was trying to get a better picture.
I remembered the ask the specialist about all the bloodwork that she made me do last time; she hadn't had a chance to "sign off" on it but looked it over and prescribed me a new prenatal and some folic acid. I guess I have something where I don't metabolize folic acid in whatever form it generally comes, and I also have some gene that gives me a slight risk for blood clots. So I have to take a baby aspirin a day. The aspirin is not a big deal. The prenatal is a very big deal. I should take a picture of all the different bottles of prenatals I have tried over the past two years. I finally found one that I could take (2 of 6 pills, anyway), and now I have to switch. I'm not switching until my body recovers from the stress of this week, though. ;-)
I won't even go into my emotional difficulties. ha
A Mountain Of Rules
10 hours ago