Monday, August 24, 2009

36 Weeks!!

Yay!!! :-)
I am pretty happy about being this far along. I am off all medication as of last night, which means I didn't have to set my alarm for every four hours last night!! It was wonderful to only wake up to empty my bladder! ha ha For some reason, my bladder and my pill-taking schedule never cooperated. You wanted to know that, right??
This morning I cleaned up a bunch of my "bedrest junk." This week is going to be pretty busy, so I felt that it was time for most of it to go. I also have been packing my hospital bad, although I still don't have suckers. Evan has looked for the kind I want and couldn't find them. Now he just tells me that I won't want them anyway. ha I know how it will work: if I don't get any, I'll want them; if I have them in the bag, I won't use them. ;-) Now I just need to pack Nathan's hospital bag for "just in case." We don't plan on having him up there, but I'd like to have a bag ready anyway. All Evan would have to do is give his phone to Nathan and let him watch a movie, really.
Woo hoo!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

35 Weeks, 3 Days

My doctor's appointment today went well. I found out that the "rock" that I was sleeping on last night was my little girl's knee. :-) And she doesn't seem to want to move it. My cervix is still the "same," which I found out means that it is closed but will slightly open when he pushes on it.
I opened a can of worms today, though. I asked a simple question and got way too many possibilities. ha He still seems to think that my cervix will just open up because "it dilated silently last time." (He was talking about Nathan.) Well, my cervix did not open silently last time; I had MORE than plenty contractions, and strong ones at that. I wouldn't really care, except that he thinks that even if I'm dilated to a 2 in the next two weeks we could just go in and "have the baby" to prevent having her at home. I would really like for her to be in there as long as she wants to be in there. There is a reason for the forty weeks, right?? :-) AND I don't want to be induced. I've been trying to keep her in there for how long??? And then they'll try to force my body to have her early?

Then I remind myself of Who is in control. Thankfully, it's not me or the doctors. We are praying that we (Evan and I) would have wisdom in all decisions we have to make and that maybe we won't even have to make any decisions like that. :-) God has been so faithful throughout this entire pregnancy; I actually feel badly for allowing myself to get so worked up over this. :-)
Randomness: Walgreens has had some pretty good deals the last two weeks, which drives me crazy; but my husband and mother have been good enough to go do a few deals for me! I plan it all out, write it all down, gather the coupons, and send them to the store. :-) Evan even went by himself this past weekend! Anyway, yesterday Mom went for me, and here's how it worked out:
Net loss: $16
What I got: 2 packages of Pampers, 3 tubs of Huggies wipes, 3 pencil boxes, 3 12-packs of drinks, 2 bottles of Tylenol, and 1 bottle of Softsoap bodywash.
Two packages of pampers would have cost me $20 at Walmart. :-) There now, that made me smile. hee hee

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19th

So, I have to say it somewhere: 2 years ago today I lost my little boy. It is amazing how emotions come and go. Today I feel perfectly at peace, while a week ago I was having a hard time getting to sleep because every time I closed my eyes I would think back and remember everything. It's difficult to have a child about whom you really have no "good" memories. I sometimes catch myself wondering what it would be like to have a 20-month-old little boy running around here with Nathan. It's amazing how a baby that I got to hold for only a couple of hours (outside the womb) can still hold such a big place in my heart.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

35 Weeks, 1 Day

Thirty-five weeks!! Wow. I actually feel like we're on the downhill slope now. :-) I am trying to stay on "bedrest," even though I've really upped my activity level quite a bit. I do try to stay on the couch a lot and take a nap in my bed once a day. But I also get up, walk around, and do odd things around the house. This weekend I picked my little garden (involved squatting), and yesterday I was going through boxes while Mom and Evan rearranged the green room (involved tailor sitting). We'll see what the doc says this week!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

34 Weeks, 5 Days

We're getting so close! It's hard to believe I'm almost to 35 weeks already. My doctor's appointment went really well on Thursday. Everything was still the same. That made me feel really good since I'd been having some discomfort and possible contractions. I think Noelle is just beginning to make me really uncomfortable at times. :-) It's nice to know that what I'm feeling is just normal and isn't actually my body trying to go into labor.
Just two weeks and two days until I'm 37 weeks! We're getting excited about the fact that we will be meeting our little girl soon. I think now that we're slowly getting to come out of the "countdown fog" we can actually be excited that we have a little girl on the way. I guess we've been pretty focused on "just getting to 32 weeks" or "just getting to 34 weeks." :-) I suppose we could set the crib up sometime soon. Of course, that means that some major rearranging needs to be done. ha ha The good thing is that we have most of the essentials for a baby from Nathan.
Well, I'm gonna run!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

34 Weeks, 1 Day

I just wanted to let my dedicated readers know that I am back to being mentally stable (for me, anyway...). :-) Really, I had bounced back by yesterday evening. Just so you know. Oh, and I'm still pregnant.

Monday, August 10, 2009

34 Weeks

I should probably wait to post until I'm a little more excited about the title, but I'm not going to. :-) If you want an elated post, go somewhere else. I am tired. I am very thankful we've made it this far, though, very thankful. I'm just tired. I feel like this has been a long and emotional pregnancy.
I've been having some "maybe" contractions yesterday and today; I can't really figure out if Noelle is causing them or if they are happening on their own. I also don't know what to count as "normal" uterus-getting-ready contractions and what to count as cervix-dilating contractions. I actually seem to feel better when I'm up walking around, so I'm wondering if Noelle's growing size and my always laid back positions are not going well together. We just really, really want to make it until 36 or 37 weeks. I guess we'll see at my doctor's appointment this week whether or not these contractions are dilating my cervix.
Anyway, I know I'm just a bit whiny today. Some days I just struggle a bit. :-)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

33 Weeks, 1 Day

Can it honestly be interesting to read the ramblings of a pregnant woman who mostly sits on a couch all day? Just wondering.
Tomorrow is Wednesday! In case anyone was wondering. For some reason after Wednesday I just feel like my week goes by so much faster. Thursdays (lately) have been doctor days, Fridays are Fridays (and Evan has been taking off every other Friday to let my mom go home), and the weekend always seems to go by quickly, even on bedrest. :-) Maybe I don't like Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays because those were always the days I got the most housework/chores/grocery shopping done. :-) I still do my menu-planning and list-making on those days, but I think it's just more frustrating since I always realize that I have no clue what we're almost out of or what is in the fridge. Ah well. I'm getting so close, though!!
I probably have too high of hopes for the next couple of weeks. I am really hoping that my cervix is still the same this week and next so that maybe my doc will lighten up on the restrictions. I would love to be able to sit at the table to eat. :-) Of course, I've already lightened up a bit myself over the past two weeks. Every now and then I'll just get up and get something myself because I don't WANT to ask someone to get it for me. ;-)
Can't wait until Thursday!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

32 Weeks, 5 days

Okay, so I'm having a bit of trouble with grouchiness. :-) I don't think it has helped that I've had stomach trouble last night and this morning. I'm getting better, though!
My appointment with my doctor went well this week. He said I was still about the same as I have been (my cervix), and he even made a joke about having to induce me post-term. ha ha ha Not funny. ;-) I am thankful that everything is going well, though. Very thankful. I get to stop taking the progesterone in a week (you have no idea how excited that makes me), and two more weeks after that I'll get to stop taking the Procardia (which I have to take every four hours, even through the night). I won't know what to do when I don't have medicine to take all the time! :-)
I can tell that Noelle has been growing lately. Some days my stomach feels like it is about to pop, and my skin gets all tight and itchy. Then I guess everything stretches and goes back to feeling semi-normal again. The doctor says she is head-down, and that is where I want her to stay!

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