We had a lovely weekend with wonderful weather, but the cold is back now! I have to remind myself to be thankful for the beautiful weather while it's here; it is, after all, February. ;-)
It looks like study time will be at least three hours a night for four nights (he scheduled Friday nights as "off" nights!), and 4-6 each day on the weekend. I CAN do this. Last week was a good week, and I'm thankful that the weather allowed us to be outside so much of the time.
Okay, so, I'm trying to simplify. Today I threw away my coupon box. I took out only coupons of items that we actually buy and threw everything else away. I'm hoping this will prevent me from keeping coupon inserts lying on the bar for forever because I just don't cut them out. It doesn't take long to flip through them and pick the two or three coupons I might actually use to cut out. I just haven't had time to do "deals" at Walgreens lately, so I'm saying good-bye.
Now I have to figure out how to cut some things will really help me, not just something that I've already been letting go since the chick was born. ha '
I made granola this weekend and actually made yogurt again. I think kefir is going to be a rare thing around here, only for soaking, because we just eat yogurt better. And yogurt and granola makes a really, really, simple breakfast. :-)
I cut up some of my Granny Smith apples and dried them, and the kids love them. I'm hoping to get another 20 pounds at the next Azure Standard pick-up. Dried apples just make a wonderful take-along snack that isn't messy. I chopped some of them and put them in the granola. Yay for a simple breakfast, right? ha
My other area of simplicity is going to be my garden. I'm not going to go crazy over it this year. We are members of the farm, so I'll just plan on that and grow a few things that I really want to grow. My garlic is already coming up, which is exciting! It took so little time and effort.
Laundry is calling, so I must run. The chick has had a low-grade fever today and been very, um, clingy/whiny/fussy, so I'm having to work overtime on this dreary day to keep a good attitude. :-)
A Mountain Of Rules
10 hours ago