Thursday, January 22, 2009


What I bought:
2 8-oz. bags of cheese (2/$4)
2 cans of Hormel chili ($1 each)
1 box of Swiss Miss ($1)
2 bottles of Suave ($1 each)
2 6-oz. cartons of blueberries ($1 each)
2 avocados ($1 each)
1 cucumber ($1), not pictured

My total after coupons and tax: $12.67.

The Suave was free after Homeland doubled my coupon, and the chili was 45 cents a can after my coupon. I probably could have gotten the avocados and cucumber cheaper at Aldi, but I don't know when I'm going, and I needed them. :-) The blueberries were a great deal, though!! I make buttermilk blueberry pancakes with them, and they are GOOD! Nathan and Evan also just like them raw.

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