Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The trip to Texas went really well. I got a bit overwhelmed when I got home and needed to clean, wash clothes, grocery plan, and grocery shop. J Cleaning went on the back burner and is just now being slowly done. I am really having to learn flexibility with my grocery shopping since I can’t just take Nathan and go and Evan hasn’t been very available on the weekends (huge project). I always loved doing my grocery shopping in the middle of the week when there weren’t many people at the store, and now that’s about the only time I can shop. Some days that REALLY bugs me. J Ah well. All for a good cause.
Speaking of good causes, my little “cause” is doing well. I went to the doctor on Monday and got to hear the heartbeat. I’m now waiting for a call from the specialist’s office to set up an appointment. I’ve struggled a bit more this week with my thoughts. I guess more little aches and pains and weird feelings are setting in, and it is hard for me to write them off as “normal” anymore. I am trying to take it easy as much as possible since I’m getting close to the time when it matters, but I have such a hard time when there is always something that needs to be done. I hate feeling useless.
Right now I’m taking a break from cleaning. After the heavy task of sweeping (yes, that’s sarcasm), my back and side were hinting that I should stop for a break. Isn’t that ridiculous? The problem is that I don’t know how many of my aches are from a lack of activity and how many are true “take a break” signs. It drives me crazy to feel lazy (ha ha ha), but I would much rather err on the side of caution. I guess I should stop complaining. ;-)
When we came back from Texas I brought home several bags of peas, bell pepper, and squash that were frozen. MeeMaw is trying to clean out some space in her freezers since garden season is almost here again, and I was more than willing to help her out. I would’ve come home with a lot more, but we were limited on space. If Stephen goes to Texas soon, I’m going to be sending him with an ice chest. Ha
Well, my back is feeling better, so I think I’ll try to clean the bathroom now. One of my sister-in-laws is coming in this weekend, so I’m really trying to get the main things clean. Having a son who uses the bathroom on his own is NOT exactly helpful.

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