I was going to go to garage sales this morning, but our 30% chance of rain turned into an all-morning downpour. :-) Maybe next week the weather and our lives will let me go. ha
I haven't snagged any awesome deals lately, but I've been stocking up on toilet paper!! :-) I was running low, so this was a perfect week for stocking up again. I try to buy whenever I can find it under 22 cents a roll. Interesting, hmmm?
I made and froze my own cream of mushroom soup this week; I've used it twice, and I can't tell a difference. I have been trying to slowly organize my freezer and use things that need to be used. I wish I could go ahead and freeze meals for after the baby comes while I actually have energy, but I guess I'll have to wait a few more months. :-)
My garden seems to be doing well. It's really small, but I didn't want to overdo it. I'm hoping that it's not drowning with all the rain we've had in the last week.
Everything on the pregnancy front seems to be going well. OH, I started my new prenatal vitamins this week, and I may just have to eat crow on all the complaining I did! My body seems to LOVE those vitamins! I hope it lasts!!
My next appointment is next week; this week I was grateful for a break.
Okay, I'm out of steam and needing a nap. :-)
A Mountain Of Rules
11 hours ago
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