Wow. What a couple of days.
The past few weeks my cervix has been staying between 3.7 and 4.2 cm long, and my specialist was very happy. Yesterday I had my last appointment with her, more of a formality she had said, and something happened as she was measuring the cervix. The cervix went from 3.7 to 2.7. She said I had a contraction, although I didn’t feel it, and monitored me for thirty minutes. I had another contraction, so she wanted me to go to the hospital to be monitored for a couple of hours and to have my regular doctor digitally check me.
By the time I got to the hospital and was strapped into the monitors, I was freaking out and having light contractions. My doctor checked me and said I was one centimeter dilated. They gave me medicine to make my uterus calm down and also gave me a steroid shot to help mature Noelle’s lungs just in case I had her. Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike hospitals?? Noelle was NOT happy at the monitors being strapped to the outside of her home and proceeded to kick and push the monitors as much as possible. I don’t think that helped my uterus calm down. Ha It wasn’t until this morning that my uterus stopped being so touchy, and Noelle also decided to stop attacking the monitors. I had to laugh last night as the nurse was trying to find Noelle’s heartbeat. Every time the nurse would get the monitor on her, Noelle would kick like crazy and move. The nurse was even laughing and commented at how strong Noelle was (yes, there could be a bit of motherly pride leaking through there…ha).
I hardly slept last night, but I’m thankful that I only had to be there one night. Today my face started feeling really hot, and my eyes started burning. I was really wondering what was happening to me, but my doctor walked in and said that I had a nice steroid flush. Ha My face is still red, but I don’t feel like my eyes are burning anymore. I had to get one more steroid shot before I left the hospital this evening, so I’ll have a nice red glow for the next couple of days. My doctor checked me again this evening and was happy to tell me that my cervix had almost completely closed back up and that it was feeling much thicker than it did yesterday (thicker is good). He wants me on bedrest, and I have to keep taking the medicine for my contractions. Tonight, though, I’m just happy to be home.
A Mountain Of Rules
10 hours ago
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