Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19th

So, I have to say it somewhere: 2 years ago today I lost my little boy. It is amazing how emotions come and go. Today I feel perfectly at peace, while a week ago I was having a hard time getting to sleep because every time I closed my eyes I would think back and remember everything. It's difficult to have a child about whom you really have no "good" memories. I sometimes catch myself wondering what it would be like to have a 20-month-old little boy running around here with Nathan. It's amazing how a baby that I got to hold for only a couple of hours (outside the womb) can still hold such a big place in my heart.


@lici@ said...

Oh, I hadn't made the connection that Nicholas and Jonah shared the day. I'm sorry! Dates that used to be easy for me are now all foggy.

Naomi Joy said...

I'm sorry, Rachel. That makes me want to cry. Can't wait to see what kind of good memories you and Nicholas will make in Heaven.


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