Well, not too much, actually. :-)
I have started using cloth diapers and wipes, though! So far, so good. The only complaint I have is how big Noelle's backside is with the cloth diapers! ha Other than that, I quite like them. Evan, who was against them, was even impressed with the diapers that I got. ;-) I made my own wipes with one of Nathan's receiving blankets, and they seem to work quite well. I have a spray bottle with a wipe solution that I keep with my diaper things, and I just spray a wipe when I need one. Interesting, no?
I have been on a "crafty" spree lately (I think because Hannah was here), and I knitted Nathan a hat, made a sling for myself/Noelle, and made pajama bottoms for Evan. Oh yeah, I also knitted Noelle a bonnet, but it fits Nathan. ha We all got a good laugh out of it, anyway! I am hoping to find another cute knitted hat pattern for Noelle and get that started. Hancock's had all of their McCalls patterns on sale for $1 last week, so I bought several patterns. Yay!
That's all for my update now!
A Mountain Of Rules
10 hours ago
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