So, my pizza dough turned out GREAT! It was wonderful. I was so happy. :-) I milled more wheat berries today and now have the flour soaking for waffles and muffins tomorrow. I'm very excited to see how they turn out after my success with the bread and pizza. Evan said that he was very happy I got a grain mill. Impressive, right?? ha
I bought a chicken yesterday at the grocery store, roasted it last night, and made chicken broth overnight with the chicken bones/skin and whatever veggie leftovers were in my freezer bag. I keep a freezer bag in my (can you guess?) freezer in which I put any carrot tops/ends, onion tops/skins, celery ends/leaves, tomato tops, and any other veggie scraps that I think would be okay in my broth (bean tips from fresh green beans are great!). When I am ready to make broth, I just dump whatever is in the bag into the crockpot with the bones, add a little vinegar and salt, and turn the crockpot on low. I usually let it cook for 24 hours then strain everything out of the broth. I usually make chicken noodle soup or Roman egg soup with some of the broth and freeze the rest.
I'm finding that buying organic has made me much more frugal, especially when it comes to meat. I have been able to keep our grocery budget much the same as before I started buying so much organic by cutting back on our meat consumption. And, you know, I haven't even had a single complaint! I think one of the main tricks is adding in other things such as soups, salads, and more veggies to the meal. Of course, that means more planning; but I'm working on it!
Oh, I made homemade vanilla pudding last night using this recipe. Well, I used the basic recipe. I used arrowroot flour instead of cornstarch and pure cane sugar in place of white sugar. It turned out really well and received two thumbs-up from both my guys. I made it into banana pudding the first night, and we had it plain today. Anyway, it's a good recipe!
Well, I should go. :-)
Saying Or Doing?
1 hour ago
1 comment:
I forgot to check out your grain mill! Oh, well...too many kids around to think about that I guess! And the pudding was yummy. :)
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