---So far I'm really enjoying this book. I'm skipping around to different chapters, reading little pieces here and there. The author gives some insight into how Charlotte Mason's methods look in a modern-day home, as opposed to a home that had a butler, cook, gardener, and nurse (okay, well, this home has all those things, too...just wrapped in a smaller package. - ha)
Honey for a Child's Heart by Gladys Hunt
---I am just now starting to read this book, although I checked it out at the library last week.
Home Education by Charlotte Mason
---I'm supposed to be reading sections of this book for a discussion blog, but the owner of the blog has been too busy to post lately. ;-) This book challenges me and reminds me of my goals.
Baby-led Weaning by ??? (I'm too lazy to go look.)
---A friend let me borrow this book, and it's rather interesting. Supposedly you can just let your baby eat whatever food you are eating. ??? I completely understand the concept of babies having a gag reflex so far forward in their mouths that it is almost impossible for them to choke (sitting up and with proper food items), but I can't bring myself to let Noelle "go" with certain foods. I did let her have a go at broccoli, but when Evan saw her chewing on the broccoli top, stem in hand, he couldn't bear it. ha Oh well, that is where the Munchkin feeder comes in handy. The main thing I've taken away from the book is to chill about feeding your baby. Give options, let them play and explore, and eating the food will come as the baby is ready and actually needs the food.
The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie O'Martian
---I think I have never read the book before just because everyone else was reading it. I'm like that sometimes. However, I really like this book. I like having a bit of direction in ways to pray for my husband because sometimes I feel like I'm falling in a rut with my prayers for him. Also, having this book sitting with my Bible reminds me to really pray for him. :-)
A Wheel on the School by Meindert DeJong
---I'm reading this book aloud to Nathan. We both are enjoying the book. School children are trying to get storks to come to their town and set out to find a wheel to put on their school for the storks to nest in. As they search for a wheel, they learn quite a bit about the people and places around them.
Multiple gardening books
---Ugh. I just need one that tells me what to do, day by day. ha
---This is a great book. Haven't read it? Try it sometime. :-)
1 comment:
If you like Honey for a Child's Heart, you may be interested to know that the author has a blog by the same title.
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