So, my oldest child is now four. FOUR. That means I have to really start thinking about the reality of teaching my child to read. I actually look forward to homeschooling my children and am not daunted by huge book lists or the magnitude of material that needs to be learned. I am slightly daunted by teaching my child to read. The main reason for my anxiety is my current indecision on which method to follow in teaching him. I have read Charlotte Mason's method, and I know that method would not fly in our house, if for no other reason than Evan's strong belief in phonics. :-) I am now reading The Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise and wondering how their method would work in our house. Of course, I can never just leave the decision at face value; I must try to find a reason why one of them should work and the other not work (although I know that both have worked with children). I have reduced the decision down to this question: Should one teach children phonics rules from the beginning or just teach children words and let them make their own generalizations about phonics rules? If I spoke German, I would have no difficulty making this decision; but I do not. ha
So this is where the rubber meets the road. Can someone come and clean my house while I'm trying to make these decisions and implement my plan of action??
Saying Or Doing?
1 hour ago
We need to chat. I think Charlotte Mason's teaching methods were a lot more phonetically-based than many people believe, and we teach systematic phonics in our classically Charlotte homeschool. Don't through out the baby with the bathwater from either method.
I wonder what my Nathan would think if he realized that you also have a Nathan the same age.
Christa, I just now saw your comment. Now THAT is "whoa." ha We still need to chat, though! I have been working on phonics with Nathan, but I'm still wondering if I'm using the best method.
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