Friday, May 29, 2009

Quick post

My cervix is now between 3.4-3.8, so my specialist is going to keep me on weekly appointments until 28 weeks. What we do after that will depend on how everything goes between now and then. Right now, I’m still 2 cm. from needing a cerclage, so it looks like I will not be getting one. She usually does not give cerclages after 24 weeks, and I’ll be 24 weeks on Monday. Believe me, I’m not shedding tears over that!
That’s about all I have time for this morning. I saw a TON of garage sale signs on my way to my appointment, but I think I’ll have to let them go this morning. Now that is sad.
P.S. I also got to see her opening and closing her mouth. The tech said it looked like she was drinking. ha I have so many ultrasound pics of this baby! It really isn't even funny.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Okay, so I am really not keeping up with this blog.
My cervix went from 4.8 to 4.0 in two weeks, and I’ve been on weekly appointments since then. However, it has stayed 3.8-4.0 the last two weeks, so the doctor isn’t too concerned. I have an appointment tomorrow, and if my cervix has stayed around the same we’ll go back to two-week appointments. If my cervix is 3.0 or above by the time I’m 28 weeks I won’t see the specialist anymore. I’ll just watch for preterm labor and go from there. Right now I’m 23 ½ weeks. This all sounds so cut and dry, but the last few weeks have been pretty emotional. I am thankful for every new week that I carry this baby, and I’m even more thankful for weeks like this one in which I actually enjoy being pregnant.
Hannah is here, and she is being a lot of help. Nathan was sick for about a week a couple of weeks ago, and between me and him we had three doctor appointments in one week. It was so nice to be able to take naps at weird times on those days and let Hannah watch Nathan.
I’ve made my bread recipe again, and it is still a keeper! I love making bread once a month! I made muffins yesterday, and I’m amazed at the difference it makes to soak the flour in buttermilk rather than yogurt. Soooo much better!
Okay, that’s about as much time as I have right now.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Walgreens today

My net loss: $9.63.
I was completely out of wet Swiffer refills, so this was a great time to stock up. I don't usually use the Swiffer a whole lot, but I will be using it more now since I don't see myself carrying around a bucket of mop water. ha Anyway, I was happy!

Friday, May 1, 2009


I was going to go to garage sales this morning, but our 30% chance of rain turned into an all-morning downpour. :-) Maybe next week the weather and our lives will let me go. ha
I haven't snagged any awesome deals lately, but I've been stocking up on toilet paper!! :-) I was running low, so this was a perfect week for stocking up again. I try to buy whenever I can find it under 22 cents a roll. Interesting, hmmm?
I made and froze my own cream of mushroom soup this week; I've used it twice, and I can't tell a difference. I have been trying to slowly organize my freezer and use things that need to be used. I wish I could go ahead and freeze meals for after the baby comes while I actually have energy, but I guess I'll have to wait a few more months. :-)
My garden seems to be doing well. It's really small, but I didn't want to overdo it. I'm hoping that it's not drowning with all the rain we've had in the last week.
Everything on the pregnancy front seems to be going well. OH, I started my new prenatal vitamins this week, and I may just have to eat crow on all the complaining I did! My body seems to LOVE those vitamins! I hope it lasts!!
My next appointment is next week; this week I was grateful for a break.
Okay, I'm out of steam and needing a nap. :-)

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