Saturday, February 28, 2009

A deal!!!

Whew! It's been a while! I don't think I had been to Walgreens in over three weeks! I don't think it hurt me, although I did have two RR's that expired. I have used expired ones before, though; so I am hopeful they will still work.
My profit on the five items in the picture was about $4. :-)
We also stopped by Quiznos today while we were out and picked up our two free subs (Turkey, Bacon, Guacamole). I thought we would at least have to pay tax or something, but we walked out without paying a dime! Since we are going on a pretty strict budget, I was even more happy that we "ate out" without touching our "eat out" money. :-)
Hmmm. I suppose I haven't yet announced to the blogging world that I'm pregnant. So there. :-) We're cautiously optimistic, as Evan says, and I am even thinking about doing the Huggies diaper deal in a couple of weeks. I really haven't let myself get too excited, although I can honestly say that I am hopeful. We have planned for "in case," so I do not think much about having to be on bedrest. I am going to hope for the best and yet know that we are as prepared as we can be for the next-to-worst. Worst, I suppose, would be a repeat of last time.
This blog will probably be the blog that contains all the details of my pregnancy (cervix lengths, appointments, etc.), so be prepared! I am just happy that I actually feel like blogging again. :-) For a while there I was doing good to keep my home from completely going to shambles.
Enough for today!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Here is a quote from Charlotte Mason's School Education:

"...train character and intellectual ‘development’ largely takes care of itself...."

What do you think?
I think I may agree. Now, intellectual development does not mean the aquisition of knowledge, but the actual development of intellect (the capacity for knowledge, the capacity for rational or intellegent thought). Is one's capacity for knowledge and rational thought limited by one's character?
More later...

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