Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today's Appointment

Today's appointment went really well! My cervix is measuring around 3.77, and my specialist said that she is a happy camper. :-) If my cervix is still above 3 cm at 28 weeks, I'll be done with the specialist! Only 2 1/2 weeks to go! I am so thankful.
She also measured Noelle today and estimated her weight at 1 pound 14 ounces. She said that is four days ahead of schedule. :-) So, I came away from my appointment a very happy girl.
Right now I am procrastinating. I did not get a nap today, and I've been pretty busy getting ready to go camping tomorrow. I made muffins, went to my appointment, took Nathan to library time, ate lunch, made potato salad, roasted and cut up chicken to freeze (not exactly planned, but it had to be done), and made yogurt after supper. Of course, Hannah helped wash dishes and take care of Nathan through all of this, or I would not have gotten it all done. ha
Well, I'm going to go find another way to procrastinate now. ;-)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A post!

No, I haven't been to the doctor yet this week. :-) And it's been wonderful. I go on Thursday. A friend of mine just had her baby last night. At home. After three hours of labor. And forty weeks of pregnancy. So, I can't help but be a wee bit jealous. :-p
Hannah is still here, and I am loving it! She is a lot of help and also a good distraction. She's going to stay another one to three weeks then (hopefully) come back closer to my due date. Am I blessed or what?! All that time and effort I put into her all those years ago... hee hee It's funny, though; I turned twelve the day after she was born, and I carted her around so much that her mother called me her second mom. She's come to see us every summer since we've been married, which means since she was eight or nine years old.
Well, I can tell the Wii has been turned off. I suppose I should go. I'm praying that my cervix is behaving itself! :-)

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