Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Beet Soup in Roasted Acorn Squash

Friday, December 12, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas Candy!!

Chocolate-covered pretzels!
Shopping Day
Wow, that was a rabbit trail.
Here are my deals:
6 packages (6 boxes each) of Sunmaid raisins - regularly $1.67, comped at Walmart for $1 each, used three $1/2 coupons - total was 50 cents/package
2 bags of whole wheat flour - regularly $2.8?, used two $1/1 coupons - total $1.8? for each
1 bag unbleached all purpose flour - on sale at Walmart for $2, comped another store's price and got it for $1.67
1 three-pound bag of onions - on sale at Aldi for 99 cents
2 packages of Hillshire Lil' Smokies - on sale at Walmart for $2.20, comped them for $1.99 apiece (oh pooh! I forgot to use my $1/2 coupon!!!!! ARGH!!)
Sigh. I can't even blame that on Nathan! :-) Ah well. I am going to try Beet Soup in Roasted Acorn Squash this week, so hopefully I'll remember to take a picture whenever I make it!! Doesn't that sound interesting??!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Walgreens 12-05

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Weekly Menu - 12/01
Hot Wings, French Fries (Baked Potatoes for Nathan and I)
Deer Stew, Apple Turnover things ?? :-)
Wild Rice Chowder
Bean Burritos, veggie
Chicken Breasts with Fresh Mozzarella, Scallion and Mushroom Soup
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Link
This is an interesting read. I actually read some of the information in an article at last week.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Health Care
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Some thoughts
1) The election of Barack Obama and a Democratically-controlled Congress has “lit a fire” under me, you could say. When Bush was President, there was no way a bill like the Freedom of Choice Act had a chance at becoming law. Now, I think there is a good chance of that happening.
2) I am a mother. I have been pregnant twice. I have experienced the joy of having a baby full term and watching him grow, and I have experienced the indescribable pain of having a baby at five months and holding him while he died. I hate the thought of young girls being sold a lie and having to live with that pain and the possible physical consequences for the rest of their lives.
What course of action should I take? I want to act, to do something. I know that getting angry and hating the people who support and promote abortion is a waste of time (and a sin for Christians) because those people are blinded. Hate, for the record, has never opened the eyes of the blind. I think prayer is the first step. Prayer gets our attitudes right (funny how that works) and truly makes it possible for us to act in love. Right now I am committing to pray and get my attitude right, and I pray that God will show me what He wants ME to do in the process.
Be educated, people.
A Pro-Life overview and viewpoint: ”The heart of the bill is a ban that would nullify all of the major types of pro-life laws that the Supreme Court has said are permissible under Roe v. Wade, including the ban on partial-birth abortions and bans on government funding of abortion.” From this site:
A Pro-Choice overview:
A Pro-Choice viewpoint:
The web address is self-explanatory…
I could go on and on, but I doubt many have even read this far. Boring stuff, you know? There, my sarcasm had to leak out somewhere.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Napping House
Good Rainy Day

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Stocking up on baking supplies
Here's what I bought:
Sunmaid Raisins, 16 oz., $1.50 each
Libby's Pure Pumpkin puree, 15 oz., $0.98 for 2
Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk, 14 oz., $1.29 each
Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chips, 12 oz., $1.24 each
Brawny Paper Towels, 8 pack, $5.24 each
I think sixty-six cents per roll of paper towels is pretty good. I really like the Brawny paper towels, too. I bought Bounty Basic paper towels really cheap one time, but I hated them. They were no good for a mommy of a two-year-old. :-)
I bought Karo syrup and condensed milk at Walmart; the Karo was about 24 cents cheaper at Walmart, and the condensed milk was only a cent cheaper. ;-) I am trying to buy a little ahead in preparation for my candy-making. I'll have to post pictures this year. Woo hoo!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Walgreens - 11/08
Friday, November 7, 2008
Weekly Menu
Roast Chicken with gravy, Pea 'n' Cheese Salad, Mashed Potatoes
Tostadas (crockpot recipe for Sunday lunch)
Red Beans and Rice
Cabbage Rolls (from the freezer...this is for one of the nights Evan is gone)
Getting it together
I did all of my grocery shopping yesterday, and I found whole wheat bread marked down to 85 cents! I bought four loaves and put three of them in my chest freezer. I also bought two packages of cranberries (99 cents apiece) for decoration and, later, food. I saw a really cute decorating idea where you put cranberries in a crystal bowl full of water. You then get floating candles to place among the cranberries. Very pretty.
Today has been my cleaning day. I emptied the trash cans (Jodi, can you believe I've missed THREE trash days??!!), washed the kitchen trash can, swept, mopped, vacuumed, washed kitchen and bathroom rugs, washed two loads of clothes, cleaned the toilet and sink in the guest bathroom, and cleaned the kitchen. Since Nathan has started using the toilet in the guest bathroom, I have had extra motivation to keep that clean! He has to use the bathroom standing up (like daddy, of course) which means the lid is up and he will not keep his hands and knees off the toilet. $-} So, I keep the toilet really clean. ha
I don't suppose there is much else to ramble on about. Maybe I'll post my menu really quickly.
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Walgreens this week was not a "free" deal, but I thought it was definitely good considering all the staples I bought. My total before coupons was $51 and some change; my total after coupons and $16-worth of register rewards was $12.15. And I got $2 RR back. Of course, I did have to go back and get a refund from the manager on the tea because they charged me too much. But the $12.15 was after they gave me a refund.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Dinner Tonight
I had taken the chicken out yesterday (before I was feeling ill), so this morning I dragged myself out of bed to throw everything in the crockpot. I was glad that I did. Evan cooked breakfast and lunch, and it was nice to have supper ready without him having to think of anything else to put together. And it was oh-so-yummy. :-) Dessert was smoothies!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Grocery Shopping
However, I felt that I had done well considering the stocking up that I did. A local grocery store had butter 2/$4 (real, unsalted butter), and Walmart had cream of chicken and cream of mushroom on sale for 65 cents. I usually try not to use those too often, but the holidays are coming up which means quite a bit of cooking, so I thought I should stock up. Between the sale and my coupons, I bought three cream of chicken, three cream of mushroom, and eight tomato soups and spent $7.30. I then bought six bags of frozen veggies ($1/1 coupons for each) and spent about 23 cents apiece on them.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008

See what I got in the mail today?! I wasn't even expecting this. I got it through VocalPoint, so I guess joining has paid off! I go to their site every so often to do a survey (usually five minutes or so), and every so often I get fun things like this in the mail! They also sent about four or five coupons!
Think before you ask...
That's what Joe Wurzelbacher (a.k.a. "Joe the Plumber") feels that he has gotten just for asking an elected official a question. Full story.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Quotes from Benjamin Franklin
This will be the best security for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins
When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.
I saw these on the Common Room blog...I thought I would share...
Organic chickens...
I just heard a bump. I think my son might have awakened from his 2-1/2 hour must be this rainy, dreary day.
Ephesians 1:16-19 (New Living Translation)
19 I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him.
9 So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10 Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.
11 We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, 12 always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.
Monday, October 20, 2008
From what I can understand, McCain is open about who donates money to his campaign; Obama is not open. McCain even lists donors who he is not required to list. Hmmmm....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A few ideas for yogurt
Now, Nathan (my two-year-old) loves to eat my yogurt just as it is. He doesn't know any different, so he thinks it is wonderful. I, on the other hand, have taken some time to grow accustomed to eating yogurt that doesn't have extra sugar in it. However, as I was eating some yogurt today, I thought, "Hey, this is pretty good; I think I could even eat it on its own!" The thermos-made yogurt is just wonderful. :-)
Here are my ideas:
1) Dip - Use fresh orange, apple, peach, or most any kind of fruit slices and dip them into the yogurt. We love the orange slices dipped in yogurt.
2) Smoothies
3) Yogurt cups - When we went camping I made Nathan his own yogurt cups using little Rubbermaid containers. He loved it, and I had a quick and healthy snack for him!
4) Avocado dip - 1 avocado, 1 cup of yogurt, 1/4 cup green onions, and a dash of red pepper. Process in food processor...Yum!
5) Topping for oatmeal or soup.
Okay, my brain quit. I've also heard of people mixing yogurt with honey, which could be good for you if the honey is raw (having the natural enzymes and such). Also, it is quite a bit cheaper to make your own yogurt than it is to buy yogurt. One gallon of milk costs $4 (although I rarely pay more than $3.60), and a quart of good yogurt costs at least $3.50. One quart of milk plus 1/4 cup of yogurt makes one quart of yogurt, so you can get four quarts of yogurt out of one gallon of milk.
Enough? Oh, if you have a baby or toddler, I highly recommend starting them on plain yogurt. I believe infants 9 months and older can have yogurt. My whole goal has been to start Nathan out with healthy food so he will hopefully not have the cravings for junk food like I do. :-)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Little Things

Thursday, October 16, 2008
I am happy!!
Still having a bit of inner turmoil, though. It just might be because my grandmother (not the Texan one) is coming today and has invited herself to my mom's night out tonight. She will not be going, so either I make up a reason that neither of us can go, or I just tell her that I will have to go it alone tonight. That sounds so horrible, but I will not take her. These moms don't get mom's night out very often, and when they do, I don't believe they are looking to be talking to Grandmother all night. I do try to have common courtesy sometimes. ;-)
So, think of me as a heartless pig if you yogurt still worked!!! Yippee!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Morning Thoughts, Part 2
I agree that Christians should know more about their beliefs than they currently do. I think that many Christians have become lax in their knowledge because America was, for so long, a predominantly Christian nation. That is no longer. Christians should be able to give an answer (a reasonable answer) for their faith.
However, there does need to be balance. We will not always be able to give an answer for every question that people pose. We will never be able to prove "without a shadow of a doubt" our beliefs or else we wouldn't need faith, now would we? I've seen some people want to argue until they are blue in the face about Christianity. That is unnecessary. People generally don't listen very well to blue-faced people, anyway. :-) Christians should be able to give an answer for their beliefs yet realize that only God can give the faith.
That said, I enjoyed hearing Josh McDowell speak. I think he leans a bit toward arguing, but he does enjoy debate. I would recommend his books because I think many Christians need the extra resources to enable them stand before the wave of humanism or any other of the "-isms" that are overtaking our country today.
My Morning Thoughts, Part 1
Evan and I went to a Josh McDowell seminar back in the spring. We both found the seminar very interesting and thought-provoking. When he was younger, McDowell actually set out to prove the Bible inaccurate; yet he finally decided after doing research that the Bible had more than enough evidence to support its truth. Once he had proven to himself the truth of the Bible, he knew that he could not dismiss the Bible as “hogwash” anymore but had to decide whether to accept or reject its message. He accepted. Josh McDowell has now written many books and done much research about the authenticity of the Bible as well as the beliefs of young people today.
Josh McDowell has an interesting way of starting his seminar. He begins by asking people why they believe in Jesus. People give various answers, and he gives various reasons why those answers could also be given by Muslims, Buddists, Hindu, etc. For example, Muslims have faith, Buddism has “changed people’s lives,” Hinduism can make people feel good. Its very interesting, and I really was hoping that he would not pick me out of the crowd. ;-)
Okay, I’ll finish my post later since I can hear my child in the other room. Honestly, though, what would you say in answer to a question like that?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
1) Buttermilk: I did not generally buy buttermilk last year. Now, it is a staple. I use it to soak oats for oatmeal, make pancakes, and do a few other things.
2) Sauerkraut: I would never have had this in my fridge last year. Now, I have a mason jar of homemade sauerkraut in my fridge that I use occasionally for garnish (generally on bean soup). Supposedly, according to Nourishing Traditions, sauerkraut is a wonderful food for your stomach since it is fermented. Doesn't that sound delicious?
3) Whey: I don't use this very often, but I have used it enough that I think it will be gone before it's six month refrigerator life. :-)
4) Vegetable clippings: I now keep a container of onion tops, celery tops, tomato peels/ends, broccoli stalks, and any other random vegetable clipping for broth/stock.
Interesting, no?
Hard time blogging
We had barbecue chicken with a tomato platter tonight for supper, and I absolutely love that salad/platter. Just to let you know.
I had my volunteer day in the nursery this morning. There are so many two-year-olds right now! They had to open three classes to hold them all. It's so funny to watch two-year-olds try to play. After going to our church for five years and feeling that it was just huge, I can now say that the church is definitely feeling smaller now. Having a child in the nursery and getting involved are two good ways to get to know people. :-) How brilliant of me.
Let's see, what other random things can I say? I am still keeping up with the coupons and deals; I just don't have the energy to post. I didn't even take a picture of my last deal at Walgreens! By the way, the Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Gel (the ones that stick to the side of the toilet) are strong!!! Every time I open the toilet lid I am almost overwhelmed by the smell! I wanted to get the citrus ones, but the Walgreens I went to didn't have them. Blech.
I can't believe how time flies. I can hardly believe that we are almost half-way through October. Maybe tomorrow I'll post a menu or something. I don't really know if anyone cares, anyway. ;-)
Enough of the rambling...
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Link
I love how a certain political party makes big promises on how they will use our money. They make people feel guilty by saying, "Oh, you can afford to have more taken away from you, really." They forget that the government is the absolute worst steward of money that ever was. Or maybe they don't forget; maybe they want us to forget. My reasons why the government is not my charity of choice:
1) Accountability -- non-existent
2) Efficiency -- non-existent (been to a post office or tag agency lately?)
3) Cost -- how many government officials does it take (do we pay) to change a lightbulb??
4) Personal responsibility -- we don't have to help the poor...that's the government's job
There you go. :-)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bible Time
Nathan has a cardboard children's Bible that is very abbreviated. As soon as I pick the Bible up, Nathan yells, "Bible time!!"
We sing the B-I-B-L-E song.
I open the Bible and say, "Genesis 1:1!!!" We are working on memorizing that verse; Nathan is not fond of memorization, so I generally just say the verse. This morning he actually said the whole verse while I was peeling his orange and pretending not to pay attention...ha.
I read the creation story, pausing to let him fill in the blanks. (God made the earth and the sun. He made the moon and the... Nathan says, "Stars!" One day I was hurrying and tried to just read it myself...someone got a little upset. )
I read the Noah story; sometimes we sing some of "Rise and Shine."
I read David and Goliath then Daniel in the lions' den (also known as "jealous men" to Nathan).
Sometimes we read about Joseph and Mary; sometimes we don't.
When I get to the part where Jesus is teaching, I say John 3:16, and he tries to say it, too.
I read about the sick woman and blind man who were healed (Nathan shouts, "I can SEE!!!")
I read about the children coming to Jesus. Nathan says "Go away!" when I ask what the men said. When I ask what Jesus said, Nathan says, "Come to ME!" and puts his hands on his chest.
We sing "Jesus Loves Me" or "Jesus Loves the Little Children."
We pray.
Anyway, Nathan loves his Bible time, and I am amazed at how much he remembers.
Weekly Menu 9-8 and 9-14 (two weeks)
Tex-Mex Mix
Chicken Pot Pie, salad
Refried Bean Burritos
King Ranch Chicken, corn, brussel sprouts
Salmon, broccoli and cauliflower
Chili, cornbread, cheese
Tuscany Peasant Soup
Chicken Enchiladas, green beans
Spaghetti, peas
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Recipe for Peace
4. Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! 5. Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.
6. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers.
What can I say? Fear has always been my worst enemy, and I always feel helpless in its grip. As of this moment, I am fine; there is nothing to worry me. Yet I know I will have the opportunity to worry soon enough. Somehow it always happens that what I want most becomes entangled with that which I fear most.
People who do not understand fear try to reason my fears away. Believe me, if reason worked, I wouldn't have this problem. I am a fairly reasonable person, and I have bent over backward in many situations trying to reason away the fear that gripped my heart and mind. Reason did not work. Also, I know that I will soon be faced with another reason to fear, one that even reasonable people cannot reason away.
As I was reading this morning, the "peace, which exceeds anything we can understand," caught my eye. I need that peace, the peace which guards my heart and mind and doesn't have to be reasonable. So, what now? Rejoice, be considerate, pray, ask, and thank. I am thankful for unreasonable peace.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Stem Cell Research
I wouldn't have thought too much about the comments of the commentators, except that I had been reading about stem cell research earlier today. To sum up, scientists have "turned ordinary human skin cells into what are effectively embryonic stem cells without using embryos or women's eggs -- the previously essential ingredients that have embroiled the medically promising field in a nearly decade-long political and ethical debate." Of course, the media does not mention this. I guess because that would take away one of their talking points about Sarah Palin and her stance on embryonic stem cell research. An interesting opinion which I read was that keeping the government from funding embryonic stem cell research kept doors open for researching other options which no one considers immoral. Interesting.
CNN story
A man and his autistic son survive more than 12 hours in the open ocean. Wow.
I can't find it
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Walgreens and Walmart
Interesting: Global Warming
Monday, September 1, 2008
Walgreens 8/30
Weekly Menu - 8/31
Hamburgers, fries, beans
Manicotti, peas
Beans and Rice, Jamaican style
Meatloaf, cabbage, carrots
Chicken Stir-fry Stew
Chicken Broth
I usually start with a whole chicken, my veggie scraps from the week (onion tops, celery tops, tomato peelings, etc.) plus any extra veggies I want, and a crockpot. I put everything in the crockpot and cover with cold water. If I remember, I put in vinegar (helps extract minerals) and soak for thirty minutes. I cook everything for 4-6 hours then debone the chicken. I keep the meat for a meal and place the chicken bones and fat back into the crockpot. I cook this for another 20 or so hours. I strain the broth into jars and place in the fridge. It's extremely easy to skim off fat once the broth has gotten cold. Usually I use some of the broth then freeze the rest either in bags or in ice cube trays. The veggies, bones, and fat that are left over are crumbled/crushed and fed to the dogs. Most of the bones just crumble to pieces after being cooked so long, although a few of the bigger bones are still too sharp and hard and have to be removed.
Why? My broth contains absolutely no MSG. Homemade broth is better, hands down, than store-bought broth. I love knowing all the wonderful nutrients (ha ha, makes me think of Nacho Libre) that are in the broth whenever I cook or make soup with it.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Universal Health Care
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Organic, pasture-fed beef -- Hormones and antibiotics were my main concerns in regular nonorganic beef. However, I also have a strange notion that God made cows, put us in charge of them, and probably doesn't like the way they are treated in the huge factories. ;-) I should probably explain myself better, but that is probably enough for a whole post in itself. ha We tried it; we liked it. My brother could tell a difference, but I honestly couldn't tell so much. At least he said it was good! Evan didn't really have an opinion. I do like the knowledge that we are buying locally and eating beef that has not been antibiotic-fed.
Raw honey -- Very, very good. Evan and I could tell a big difference between the raw honey and the store-bought honey. Also, buying local honey means that you are buying honey made from local pollen. I have heard but not really researched that eating raw local honey can help people with allergies build immunity to local pollens.
Raw-milk cheddar -- I love cheese, but this cheese is a bit too strong for me to eat by itself. :-) However, cooking with this cheese is wonderful. I put it in our eggs with some salsa...yummy!!
Smoked cheddar -- This cheese was not made from raw milk but from pasture-fed cow's milk. The cheese was good, but it has smoke flavoring in it. ??
Beef soup bones -- I used these bones to make my beef broth since I don't usually buy beef that has bones in it. I cooked the bones and my vegetable trimmings from the week in a crockpot for a day, and the broth turned out well. I used some and froze the rest in ice cube trays. Once again, I liked the fact that I was using organic.
Reason for such a long post -- It is 8:08 a.m., and my son is still sleeping. Wow.
Weekly Menu 08/18
Eggs with salsa and raw cheddar
Buttermilk pancakes and sausage
Oatmeal with raisins (or some other fruit)
Leftovers - I generally do leftovers for lunch, although I will sometimes cook a different vegetable or make the leftovers into something a little different.
Roast Chicken, tomato-avocado salad, mashed potatoes
Broccoli-Cheddar Quiche, I'm not sure on a side
Cornish game hens, peas, carrots
Leftover steak from the weekend, green salad
Green Enchiladas, black bean soup, corn (company's coming!)
Fruit Pizza (company)
Weekly Menu 08/11
Oatmeal with raisins
Eggs with salsa and raw cheese (very good)
Raisin muffins (frozen from a previous batch)
Leftovers :-)
Spaghetti, green beans, corn
Tacos, Mexican rice, refried beans
Buffalo Chicken Salad
Hamburgers, baked potatoes
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Fat, anyone?
Weston Price was a dentist who traveled worldwide and began trying to find connections between people groups who had the best health (and, amazingly, the best teeth). His findings are quite interesting.
Anyway, this article has an interesting story about an experiment done on lab rats. Scroll down the article to read it. From what the article says, three groups of rats were tested: one group was given normal rat food and water, another group was given Cornflakes and water, and the last group was given the box in which the Cornflakes came and water. Care to guess which group died first?? ;-)
That reminds me, I need to go put my oats on to soak. :-)
1 cup oats (oatmeal), 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons buttermilk---soak overnight at room temperature
In the morning, bring one cup of water to a boil, add oats, and cook for 10 minutes. Add butter, raisins, honey, blueberries, flax seed, or whatever suits your taste. :-)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Walgreens 8/05/08
Exclude the OneTouch2, and my total after rebates will be $4.08!! I don't know about the OneTouch, I could just get it free, or I could make $20 on it...I'll have to wait and see. This usually wouldn't have worked for me since we don't eat pop-tarts and such, but my brother is here and eats such things...sooo... :-)

This is actually from Wal-mart...
Irish Spring on clearance for $0.75
Two $0.30/1 coupons
Equals $0.45 each!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Weekly Menu - 8-01
Chicken Pot Pie, Salad
Tex-Mex Mix
Chicken Quesadillas
Roast, Veggies
Spiced Chicken Breasts, Tomato Platter, Apricot Barley Casserole
Refried Bean Burritos
There will be many vegetables going along with these meals since I've gotten tomatoes, okra, squash, peas, and green beans from my grandparents. I'm really feeling bored with my recipes, though, so I may have to find the time to search for new and exciting fare! ha ha Maybe all I need is an attitude change. :-) Also, we may be adding another mouth for a few weeks, so that might be interesting...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Weekly Menu - 7/28
Salmon, Brown- and Wild-Rice Pilaf, Broccoli
Meatloaf, Cabbage, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots
Chicken Pot Pie, Salad
Flavorful Beef Stirfry, Rice, ?
This is Evan's first week to actually be expected to make an appearance for dinner, and we will have company two nights this week. I should have more than four dinner ideas... I really need to get better at planning small, quick meals for weekends; I am very bad at that.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
This week's (late) menu
Manicotti, Green Beans, Carrots
Pizza, Salad
Vegetable Beef Soup, Corn Bread, Cheese
Cheesy Chicken Florentine, Green Beans (two green foods, not recommended, but I was rushed - ha)
Poppyseed Chicken, Corn on the cob, ?? probably spinach
Target and Walmart, again
Target has Brawny paper towels on sale for $6 (8 rolls). I had a couple of $1/1 coupons, so I wanted to pick up some paper towels. When I got there, I noticed clearance signs in the "value pack" area. I found Bounty paper towels (12 pack) marked down to $5.10, and I had two 0.25/1 I got two 12-packs of Bounty for $4.85 each! I thought that was pretty good.
At Walmart, I bought the Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber for $2.59 (after $2.75/1 coupon) and am sending in the "Try Me Free" I'll get $4.90 back! I also found a couple of Venus razors on clearance for $2, and I had two $2/1 coupons, so I got those free (well, except for tax). ha I grabbed a couple of bags of Cheerios snack mix on clearance ($1 each, and I had two 50 cent/1 coupons) which I'll take to Mom's this weekend.
Well, Nathan's awake...gotta run!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Free Samples in the Mail
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Blast from the Past
Should I also mention that four of those cds will be heading our way shortly??
Today's deals

Total: $2.** I think it was around $2.40, but I somehow lost my receipt!!

Total: $0.17!!!! This was the only thing I bought, so the cashier guy said, "And your total cents." :-) He was impressed. So was I. I don't think Hannah was, though. I don't know that she cares much for Polska Kielbasa...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Weekly Menu - 7/13
Oatmeal and Turkey Sausage (Nourishing Traditions {NT})
Five-grain cereal (yuck, didn't really like)
Blueberry pancakes (buttermilk pancakes from Betty Crocker cookbook, very good)
Raisin muffins (Nourishing Traditions recipe)
Eggs with cheese
*we usually eat fruit with breakfast
Leftovers most days
Turkey/ham sandwich/wrap, fruit
Manicotti, Carrots, Green Beans, Smoothies
Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli
Salmon Salad Sandwiches, Raw Carrots or other veggies
Chicken Enchiladas, Salad, Corn
Tacos, Pineapple jello
Ice pops (our only time for juice)
Cashews (yay for the Planters coupons!)
Savory Nut Mix
Fruit & Cheese