Wednesday, November 12, 2008


II posted this on my Facebook account, but I thought I'd go ahead and post it here as well. Would you like to do some reading? I have been researching information about the Freedom of Choice Act, the one that President-elect Obama promises will be one of the first things he signs in office.

Be educated, people.

A Pro-Life overview and viewpoint: ”The heart of the bill is a ban that would nullify all of the major types of pro-life laws that the Supreme Court has said are permissible under Roe v. Wade, including the ban on partial-birth abortions and bans on government funding of abortion.” From this site:

A Pro-Choice overview:

A Pro-Choice viewpoint:

The web address is self-explanatory…

I could go on and on, but I doubt many have even read this far. Boring stuff, you know? There, my sarcasm had to leak out somewhere.

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