Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have a hard time with post titles, especially when I am mainly just rambling. :-)
I scooped poop yesterday; today my back is really hurting. I don't know if it was just the scooping or all the kneading yesterday, as well, that pushed me over the edge. I feel so out of shape, but I don't know if there is much I can do about it.
My half-and-half bread turned out okay. It just has a weird taste, and I'm not sure exactly what it comes from. I have a hard time believing it is just from the wheat flour, but I just don't know. Hmph. ;-)
I did make whole wheat pizza dough this evening, and it turned out really well! I was so happy! It made enough dough for four pizzas, so I made two and froze the dough for the other two. It feels so wonderful when something actually works. ha

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