Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Today's Appointment

I had my weekly outing today. I have been feeling weird today and getting really flushed and hot in my face. My doctor said that bodies start acting weird once they stop moving, so I guess I'll just have to deal! I can tell my blood pressure has been low lately (which is what my medicine does), and today at the doctor's office it was 98/50. Ah well. Everything else was the same as it has been. My doctor says that he doubts I will make it to 37 weeks (I asked about bedrest after 37 weeks); he is just going to be happy to get me to 34. He even said that it may work out that he just lets me off bedrest after 34 or 35 weeks. My biggest concern is that I don't want Noelle to spend time in the NICU if at all possible. :-)

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